Our Garden History
Our first raised bed a day before planting, July 2018.
Planting our first bed on July 28, 2018, at our event “Dessert in the Garden.”
Our first raised bed now - July 2021. Note the kids’ railroad in the background!
Willow and cottonwood cuttings thinking of becoming a riparian forest, March 2021.
A few weeks after planting - willows! Soon to become trees and planted out.
The willows in June 2021.
Off they go for planting along the river - 44 of ‘em!
Planting! One Goodding’s willow joining the San Pedro ecosystem.
Left alone to grow - 44 of ‘em. We’ll be back to help you along!
Winners will be selected on Saturday, November 19, 2022, at 2 p.m. You do not need to be present to win.
Click here for more information about prizes and how to enter.
Fall 2022 Plant Sale
Saturday, 10/22/22, from 8-11 a.m. and Sunday, 10/23/22, from 2-5 p.m.
Our plants are locally grown, organic vegetables and herbs that thrive in Oracle’s climate. As always, these plants have been lovingly cared for by volunteers. This year, all sales will be on-site (not online) and will include 4- and 6-packs. This is a major fundraiser that allows us to continue creating new gardening projects. If we haven’t seen you lately, please stop by and see what’s growing – new things are sprouting all the time! Click here for a planting guide and a listing of the plants available.
Spring 2022 Plant Sale!
Walk-in sales are open to the public on Sunday and Monday, April 10 and 11, between 7-11 a.m. and between 4-6 p.m.
Plants are $3.50 each with larger plants at $4.50.